HighFIVE: Bob Litwin

The following HighFIVE profile appears in the 2018 Summer issue of Colorado Tennis newspaper. 

The reality of being able to live ones’ best life isn’t an elusive pipe dream reserved for a chosen few. In fact, Bob Litwin, author and former world tennis champion, would challenge you to understand that you (yes, you, reader!)  have the power to choose a brighter life for yourself, right here, right now. It’s all in the way you tell yourself your story.

“It’s about that story you tell yourself when you are up 5-3 and can’t seem to hold serve,” he said. “It’s about training out that story and training in a better one.”

But it’s not just about tennis according to the author, performance coach and agent for change. It’s about all aspects of your life, from relationships to athletics, from business to confidence.

Bob’s life story, not unlike many of ours, started with his own voice narrating a mediocre plotline through his marriage, sports, business and attitude in general. It wasn’t until he started using positive storytelling, literally, that the chapters in his own story began transform.

“When you change the story, you change your version of yourself,” he explained of how he evolved into winning 19 USTA National Titles, becoming an 8-time member of the Senior Davis Cup, being ranked No. 1 in the world in the 55s, and National Senior Player of the Year. He is also a renowned author, and passionate performance coach for anyone with a desire to improve their life. His book, “Live the Best Story of Your Life, A World Champion’s Guide to Lasting Change,” shares the secret to be able to change absolutely anything in your life.

“The best thing is that it’s easy,” Bob explains of the storytelling tool. He adds that, “when people keep telling themselves counterproductive stories, nothing can change.”

Bob is also a member of the prestigious Tennis Congress, a global community of adult players and coaches united by a passion for achieving their personal best, raising the bar for adult tennis training and supporting each other on the journey. As the mental training expert, Bob joins 84 other top professionals such as Emilio Sanchez, Jeff Salzenstein, Kendall Chitambar, each focusing on one unique aspect of the game.

Coming to Colorado just three years ago, Bob’s passion is to help people live the best version of themselves both on and off a tennis court. He offers this tennis mission for those looking to begin practicing the skill of storytelling:

“To be an extraordinary competitor who plays, in competition, at the high end of my skill and talent. To love the competition more than I love to win and to accept whatever the outcome with dignity and class. To compete in the moment, avoid past and future tripping. To compete for each point. To compete with effortless effort. To be non-judgmental to myself. To enjoy myself. To be enthusiastic. To be forgiving of myself for my inability to achieve perfection. To see the perceived pressure moments as the sweetest moments. To have every match be an experience where I grow as a player and a person.”




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