Junior Player Deletion/Move Form

Junior Player Deletion/Move Form
  • Deletions will not be accepted past the deadline.
  • Amount refunded is $29 (Summer JTT) or $12 (Fall JTT).
  • If a player needs to be moved to a different team, please fill out the “Move a Player” form.
    Note: Players cannot be moved to a different team after playing any matches.
  • Player deletions may only be submitted by Facility Coordinators
League NameDeletion Deadline**Month the checks will be sent
July 23August
Oct 19November
**All refund checks will be issued after the deletion deadline

Team Information

Enter the information for the team you want the player deleted from

From Team Information

Enter the information for the team you want the player deleted from

To Team Information

Enter the information for the team you want the player added to

Request Submitted By

Refund Check Information

To ensure you are human, this question must be answered correctly for the Submit Button to appear.